Oh my god, you think I´m in control?

I feel like writing in english again... I´m seriously thinking about letting it become a "thing" here haha. I mean, I´m really only writing for myself, because I enjoy it. But I know that I would like it more if I wrote in english instead of swedish. Do you think it´s a stupid idea? Tell me if you think it´s completely riddiculous. 
Right now I feel like writing in english anyway...

Today we discussed "Homework? Pros and cons" in our english class. Sure I can see the posetive sides of having homework. They are supposed to help you repeat and memorize what you might have learned in class. You are supposed to be able to go home and sit in peace, reading or writing in your own pace. All that to relive your own learning.
But as I sit here, trying with all my life not to fall asleep over my books, feeling like my head is going to burst open any minute and knowing that I still have about 15 pages left to read I feel like the purpose of so called "helpful homework" is lost. This isn´t helping. All it´s doing is making me feel stressed and slightly sick and increadably tired. It is going to affect my sleep now. And then it´s giong to affect my day tomorow. And then when I get home tomorrow I will once again ahve to sit up late with even more to do and then I will get even less sleep, and so it goes on and on and on. When will it ever stop...?
I can probably rant about this all night, but I have things to do still...

But furst I must advertise ´Oh My God! produktionskonsert!´ Mine, Matildas and Amandas productionconsert that everyone do in their sophomore year at Sthlms Estetiska Gymn. It is going to be so much fun, come and see us!!

This is our advertiser poster, isn´t it great? The consert is at 20.00, 24/2. Be. There. People!

Love to you all!

Postat av: Simon

Will I get a back-stage pass if I show up? ;)

2010-02-10 @ 01:42:10

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